A Sign revealed by the hand of God - Prophesied this Sunday. Fulfilled in 24 Hours.
Matthew 24:29-31
“Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
In the Afternoon of Sunday October 13th 2024 at 1:40pm in the middle of worship - the spirit of the Lord took me into visions not of my own mind... Instantly I called for someone to move the podium off of the altar! And cut out the lights for the light of Christ was shining upon us that hour! The Angel of the Lord began to take me to a high place over Washington DC, as I observed fireballs falling from the Sky - Whilst still in the midst of service - I was bewildered, yet began to describe the sight to the best of my ability. Surely these were signs of an attack on our nation, weather just spiritual or natural - We prayed and led the church in intercession for what God was saying in this time.
Whenever we begin to see these things happening - they become like breadcrumbs leading the way to a place that God is trying to bring us to. Surely he desires for us to connect and see what the Spirit of the Lord is actually saying in the midst of so many other voices. The Lesson is that very seldom if not ever do these "things" have significance outside of the Spiritual implications and relevance that they carry...
What Truly is a Sign? A sign is simply a mark of direction on the map to destiny.
If a sign is simply a check point on the road to destiny, then it would be safe to say that it is only a moment in the journey that God has us on... If this is the case, then a sign was never meant to be focused on - instead it is simply meant to be observed in the moment to catch the direction that it is pointing to - or to catch the destination that is being confirmed on the path. If we truly knew this revelation, we would rarely find ourselves on I-90 standing under the welcome to Ohio Billboard wondering why we haven't found the actual destination yet... Imagine that! Boy is that the picture of a people that have misplaced their focus on "someThing" instead of the "Someone" the sign was actually pointing to. This is how we can miss God.
While on watch and in prayer this week concerning this particular prophecy fulfillment - I received several messages, emails and some videos about what was released this past Sunday - as the fulfillment came in so fast with much speculation. When the Light of God begins to shine on things - it brings an exposure that can invite more confusion on a subject if not met with the proper interpretation. The facts around prophecy and signs provides ample opportunity to catch the heart of God in the moment, as opposed to trying to draw details and conclusions from our own understanding. I have found that God is not actually interested in bringing conclusions - but instead, he is more interested in bringing revelation. That is enlightenment on the spiritual side of things, instead of final answers on the earthly side of things. Revelation invites us into the mysteries of the Journey, while seeking conclusions bring us into religion. Its not just about arriving at finding what God said - but more about finding what God is "Saying..." because it is a movement, and an ever progressing thing that he is trying to invite us into. The spirit of conspiracy is tries to find its own conclusions based on the facts discovered, and can bring people into extreme theories and delusions if not careful to discern this trap. However the Spirit of Prophecy should always reveal the heart of God that is inviting us into the mystery of Christ - that is the Person who is "the" answer himself!
In this election season we will see many signs fulfilled, even more biblical and prophetic prophecies come to pass. We will experience great confirmation and affirmations of his promise and word in our midst. Remember not to follow the signs, but simply observe them in seeking to find Jesus fingerprints on the roadmap to the destiny of this hour.
Seasons of prophecy fulfillment are seasons of LIGHT! If you are believing God for your season to be unlocked, for instructions, direction, or answers... When we learn to turn into moments of revelation, take advantage of seasons of light and pay attention to the tokens and signs of God, we harness the prophetic grace to unlock the seasons of our own life. As you sow a seed into this week of revelation - I'm praying for vision and revelation to open to you. As your prophet, one that God has designated for you this time - I'm prayerfully dedicated and declaring that your eyes and ears are open in Jesus name!
As you Partner with me this Hour, your support helps send us where God has commissioned, and helps us build where God is breaking ground. As he has validated this ministry, may he validate every assignment and mission he sends us on. May he even validate the purpose, mission and assignment on your own house in Jesus Mighty Name! (Matthew 10:41)
*Prophet Michael David Watson