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Discovering the Prophetic

  • 18 Steps
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I was ministering in a local church one evening when a woman approached me and began to tell me of some amazing experiences that she had with the Lord. She was almost weeping while explaining that I was the only person who she felt could understand her. I didn't know this person, yet she wrote me a several page letter describing why she thought she was crazy! She stated that she was hearing Gods voice all the time, and she had a tremendous burden on her to deliver the Word of God. She stated that she could not stop praying in tongues, that there was a tremendous desire to pray continuously, and it was scaring her! She explained how most of Her family and friends said that she was diluting herself and even thought she needed mental help! I'm sure many of us can relate to this! I could personally relate to this woman's struggle. Yes, we have all been on fire for the Lord, especially when we first started walking with him. Yet, It always seemed like there was an extra burn to my fire. There was a deeper desire inside of me for something more, and for some reason, it didn't seem to stop. When I looked at people around me, even those in my church, I didn't see the same passion, and they didn't understand my zeal. I found myself lost in the things of God often, taken away with the word and possessing a seemingly unquenchable hunger for more. Sometimes, people would tell me to take it easy, but for some reason, that didn't sound right to me concerning my relationship with the Lord and what seemed to be happening to me with Him. You see, God had a grip on me! And when the weight of the word is on you like that, when the burden of Jesus won't lift, and the fire of the spirit is in you like that, it's important to realize that He is separating you for a special purpose. In this course, learn the fundamentals of being prepared to understand the call into the prophetic and get into position to receive every grace for your gift and calling!

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